8201 NW 8 Street · Plantation, Florida 33324
Phone: (954) 472-2283 · Fax: (954) 472-3857
Q:What are my voting rights in the Condominium Association?
A Eachmember of the Townhouses at Jacaranda Condominium Association is entitled tocast one vote for each unit owned by him/her in accordance with Article IV ofthe Articles of Incorporation of the Association and Article VIII of theDeclaration of Condominium of Townhouses at Jacaranda Condominiums.
Q:What restrictions exist on my rights to use my unit(s)?
A Therestrictions which exist on your right to use your unit are contained in theDeclaration of Condominium of Townhouses at Jacaranda, in the By-Laws and inthe Rules & Regulations of the Association. You should refer to thosedocuments in order to familiarize yourself with the restrictions. A copy of thosedocuments will be provided upon your request. However, a summary of thoseprovisions include a restriction limiting the use of units to single familyresidences; the use of the unit in such a fashion as to not increase insurancerates; the use of the unit in a fashion not to obstruct or interfere with therights of other unit owners; the prohibition against commercial use,prohibition against committing a nuisance, immoral, or illegal act with respectto the unit; the prohibition against displaying any sign, advertisement, ornotice of any type on the common element; the prohibition of displaying anyclothesline or other similar device on condominium property including anybalcony or terrace; the prohibition against trailers, boats, vans, campers, trucks,or any other commercial Vehicles; the requirement of obtaining prior approvalwith respect to any sale or lease of the unit, and various restrictions on theright to maintain and make repairs on certain portions of the property. .
Q: What restrictions exist on the leasing of my unit?
A No unit owner may lease their unit or renew any lease without the approval of the Association as is more fully contained in Article XIII of the Declaration and Rules and Regulations of Townhouses at Jacaranda Condominium Association. A purchaser may NOT rent their unit within the first year of ownership.
Q: How much are my assessments to the Condominium Association and when are they due?
A The amounts of assessments vary from year to year. Therefore, you should refer to the most recent budget to determine the present amount of assessments. The required assessment amounts are paid by owners monthly. Special assessments are also provided from time to time.
Q: Do I have to be a member of any other association?
If so, what is the name of the Association and what are my voting rights in this association? Also, how much are my assessments? A There is no other association in which you have to be a member in order to reside in Townhouses at Jacaranda.
Q: Am I required to pay rent or land use fees for recreational or other commonly used facilities?
If so, how much am I obligated to pay annually? A You are not required to pay rent or land use fees for recreation or other commonly used areas.
Q: Is the Condominium Association or other mandatory membership association involved in any court case in which it may face liability in excess of $1OO,OOO.OO? If so, identify each such case.
A The Association is involved in a court case in which it may face liability in excess of $100,000.00. Broward County Case # CACE14022498
Note: The statements contained herein are only summary in nature. A prospective purchaser should refer to all references, exhibits hereto, the sales contract and the Condominium documents.
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